Minimum spanning tree
Minimum spanning tree is defined as given graph(G) which a set of vertexes and edges with weights. Find a path which connects all vertexes with minimum total weight of edges. There are two classic algorithms which are designed with greedy algorithm: Prim Algorithm and Kruskal Algorithm.
Generice MST
A = {} // subset of some minimum spanning tree (V, E)
while A is not a minimum spanning tree
find edge(u, v) to that is safe to A
A = A union (u, v)
Safe Edge
Safe edge is a edge that is safe to added into A which out destorying the invarient property that A is subet of some minimum spanning tree. In other words, when you add a edge into A which causes A cannot form MST in the future, the edge is not safe.
Light Edge is safe
Let G=(V,E) be a connected, undirected graph with a real-valued weight function w defined on E. Let A be a subset of E that is included in some minimum spanning tree for G. Let (S,V-S) be any cut of G such that for any edge (u, v) in A, {u, v} S or {u, v} (V-S). Let (u,v) be a light edge crossing (S,V-S). Then, edge (u,v) is safe for A. (.... It just means finding a minimum weight edge which connects two parts of the graph, when it is cut then no vertexes are shared in two parts)
Prim Algorithm
This algorithm is based on shortest path algorithm. It builds a set of A in the process and select the light edge connecting A to others.
Simple version
A = {}
S = {r} // r is the random node you want to start with
Q = V - {r}
while Q is not empty
Find the minimum edge(u, v) so that u in A and v in Q
Add (u, v) in A, add v in S, and delete v from Q
Priortiy queue version The min-priority queue is implemented with binary heap. Use the key of the priority queue to keep track of the minimum distance from A to others. Note: Heap-Order: for every node v other than the root, key(v) >= key(parent(v))
Store all V in priority queue Q
for each u in Q
key[u] = infinity
parent[u] = NUL
key[r] = 0
while (Q is not empty)
for (each v in adj[u])
// v belongs to others but not the buidling tree
// update its minimum distance if edge is smaller than its expected value before
if (v belongs to Q && key[v] > w(u,v) )
key[v] = w(u, v)
parent[v] = u
Running time analysis
While loop executes V times EXTRACT_MIN(Q) : log V => V log V
The for loop (each v in adj[u]): total executes 2E times decrease key operation : log V => E log V
Overall running time: (V log V + E log V) = E log V // E always > V
Kruskal Algorithm
Add the edges according to the increasing weight, as long as the operation will not violate the minimum tree property. It uses a disjoint set to keep track the grouping of vertexes, as long as the edge(u, v) where u and v are not in the same group, the edge is safe to be added.
A = {} // tree under construction
Sort the edges of E by weights by increasing order
for each v in G
MAKE_SET(v) // every one belongs to its own group initially
for each edge(u, v) in E
if (FIND_SET(u) != FIND_SET(v))
A union (u, v)
UNION(u, v) // they are the same group now
return A
Running time analysis
- sort edges: E log E
- for loop V times: MAKE_SET: log V
- for loop execcutes E times FIND_SET and UNION: log V
Combine 2 & 3 we ge V+E log V => E log V => combine with (1) E log E Overall Running time: E log E
Disjoint Set Implemented by array
Every child remember its parent index The parent remeber its size (-ve)
int Find(int element){
if (nodes[element] < 0)
return element;
return nodes[element] = Find(nodes[element]);
void UnionSet(int set1, int set2){
nodes[set1] += nodes[set2];
nodes[set2] = set1;
int Union(int element1, int element2){
int root1 = Find(element1);
int root2 = Find(element2);
if (root1 == root2) // reject if form a cycle
return 0;
if (nodes[root1] < nodes[root2]) // root1 has more elements than root2
UnionSet(root1, root2);
UnionSet(root2, root1);
return 1;
Differene between Prim algorihtm and Kruskal algorithm
Prim requires a connected graph, Kruskal can work on unconnected group in which many MST can be formed. Every step in prim is a partial solution.
Application of MST
MST algorihtm can be also used to build spanning tree based on each side
for (int i=0; i<m; i++){
// based on each side, try to build a spanning tree with bigger side
// compare their slimness
for (int j=1; j<=n; j++){
nodes[j] = -1;
Edge b = edges[i];
Union(b.u, b.v);
int largest = b.c;
int smallest = b.c;
for (int j=i+1; j<m; j++){
Edge c = edges[j];
Union(c.u, c.v);
k - cluster with mini distance between point = MST - k most expensive edges.