個人覺得 Play 的文件比較亂。在這裡先記下簡約 play testing 的用法
十分重要, 因為各個版本的 api 可以差別很大...
- Play version: 2.4.6
- Scala version: 2.1.0
Override configuration
因為我只預設用一個 database。。。
trait DAOTrait {
implicit val fakeApp = new FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = Map("db.default.username" -> "YOURUSERNAME",
"db.default.url" -> "jdbc:mysql://URDATABASE",
"db.default.password" -> "YOURPASSWORD")
Unit testing
因為 anorm database 要有 execution context 所以要先用 step 啟動 application
import play.api.test.PlaySpecification
import DAO.UserDAO
import play.api._
import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._
class UserDAOSpec extends PlaySpecification with DAOTrait {
val testUserEmail = "test@hotmail.com"
val testUserPassword = "1234"
"The User DAO" should {
"register" in {
val id = UserDAO.register(testUserEmail, testUserPassword);
(id.get > 0) must beTrue
"isExist" in {
UserDAO.isExist(testUserEmail) must beTrue
UserDAO.isExist("this is not a email") must beFalse
"validate" in {
UserDAO.validate(testUserEmail, testUserPassword) must beTrue
UserDAO.validate(testUserEmail, "9999") must beFalse
"delete" in {
UserDAO.delete(testUserEmail) must beTrue
Controller testing
測試 json post request
另外寫法 val request = FakeRequest(POST, "/").withJsonBody(Json.parse("""{"field":"value"}"""))
body 請放 JsValue, 不要放 String
和 contentAsJson
在 play.api.test.Helpers
如果你只需測試 routing, 你不需要用 step 啟動 applicaton, 整個 controller 的 method 不會執行
return 的可以是 Future[Result]
import controllers.RecipeController
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api._
import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._
class RecipeControllerSpec extends PlaySpecification with DAOTrait{
"Example Page#index" should {
"should be valid" in {
var jsonHeader = Seq(("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"))
val jsValue = Json.obj("ingredients" -> Json.arr("牛奶", "奶"))
val controller = new RecipeController()
val fakeRequest = FakeRequest(Helpers.POST, "api/user/searchIngredient", new FakeHeaders(jsonHeader), jsValue);
val result = controller.searchIngredient().apply(fakeRequest)
val ct = contentType(result)
ct must equalTo(Some("application/json"))
// Logger.debug("really content type" + contentAsString(result))
val jsContent : JsValue = contentAsJson(result)
jsContent.as[JsArray].value.size must equalTo(6)
JSON Read & Write
play framework 設計 JSON 要 read 進一個 model & 或由一個 model write 成 JSON 如果 json 的數目跟 model attribute 不同比較麻煩
把一個 value 變做 object, 利用 scala 的 map pattern 提取 value {% codeblock %} implicit val ingRead: Reads[IngIdWrap] = (JsPath \ "ingId").read[Int].map(IngIdWrap.apply); {% endcodeblock %}
Read 的 model attribute 比 JSON value 多
UserRecipeRating 是 (Int, Int, Int)
read 的 read combinator 會產生 (Int, Int)
寫一個 function 接收 (Int, Int)
變成 UserRecipeRating
val applyJson = (recipeId: Int, rating: Int) => UserRecipeRating(0, recipeId, rating);
implicit val read : Reads[UserRecipeRating] = (
(JsPath \ "recipeId").read[Int] and
(JsPath \ "rating").read[Int]
Write 的 model attribute 比 JSON value 多
反過來, 把一個 UserRecipeRating 寫兩個 Int, write combinator 需要 (Int, Int)
可以寫一個 function 接收一個 UserRecipeRating 變作 (Int, Int)
val writeJson = (obj: UserRecipeRating) => (obj.recipeId , obj.rating)
implicit val write : Writes[Write] = (
(JsPath \ "recipeId").write[Int] and
(JsPath \ "rating").write[Int]