Maximum FlowGraph Theory建立: 2015-12-13Residual Network A "fake" network constructed from real network considering the flow in two ways, remaining flow capacity, and current flow capacity…
Dynamic ProgrammingDynamic Programming建立: 2015-12-13Definition of Dynamic Programming Copy from wikipedia dynamic programming is a method for solving a complex problem by breaking it down into a…
Divide and ConquerSortingCode建立: 2015-12-13Defintion of Divide and Conquer Divide the problem into smaller problem, use the result of the small problems to form the result of the bigger problem…
Shortest Path AlgorithmGreedyDynamic Programming建立: 2015-12-13Relaxation Each point has a known distance so far, if a vertex + distance to a particular point is shorter than the known distance of the point…
Minimum spanning treeGraph TheoryGreedy建立: 2015-12-13Definition Minimum spanning tree is defined as given graph(G) which a set of vertexes and edges with weights. Find a path which connects all vertexes…
Greedy algorithmGreedy建立: 2015-12-09Greedy algorithm is a common method in designing algorithm. It is more like a heuristic method instead of a algorithm. Every time multiple choices are…