

很複雜的語言...... 很多 feature(果然是教授的產物)

除了 method 外可以自動估算 data type val r = 1 Object 像一 Java 的 static method, 不用 new object 便可以使用 最後一句預設是回傳值 很多 method 沒有 side effect

Object type

Overview 最頂 Any 其次 AnyVal, AnyRef


AnyVal is primitive datatype in Java 底下有

  • Int
  • Double
  • Flot
  • Long
  • Short
  • Byte
  • Char
  • Boolean
  • Unit (Single Value, ~Void in Java)


底下有 AnyObject

  • List


Null <- Nothing



method 定義有點像 haskell, 名在前, data type 在後 = 之後是回傳數值 def hi(a: String, b: String) = a + b

** 多種括號 ** def hi(a: String)(b: String) = a + b 可以這樣呼叫 hi("hi")"Jason" or hi("hi") {"jason"}

Accept an function

def goodBye(f: (String) => String, b:String) = f("Jason") + b
goodBye: (f: String => String, b: String)String

functional map on array

val a = Array(1,2,3)
a.map(n => n + 10)
res2: Array[Int] = Array(11, 12, 13)
def test(l : String) = l match {
  case r(_, id) => s"It is a youtube with id: $id"
  case _ => "Not youtube"

強大的 pattern matching

相比 java 麻複的 regex......

  • r 為 regex
  • l 為 testing string
  • _ 指不在乎
val r = """\[url\]https:\/\/(youtu\.be\/|www\.youtube\.com\/)(.+)\[\/url\]""".r.unanchored // anywhere pattern
val l = "[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt7dTw8pm30[/url]"

def test(l : String) = l match {
  case r(_, id) => s"It is a youtube with id: $id"
  case _ => "Not youtube"

Syntactic sugar

() 可以當 { }

val echo = Action { request =>
  Ok("Got request [" + request + "]")

// is equal to 
val echo = Action.apply(request => {} )

還有 implicit 搭少麻煩的 variable passing e.g. 在 play framework

def index = Action { implicit request =>
    val str = sayHi("Jason")
    Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready." + str))

  private def sayHi(name: String)(implicit req: Request[AnyContent]) = name + ", you can the following content" + req.body

Eco system

type safe activator 太強大了吧... 懶人傻瓜包,下載了,就可以在瀏覧器上試玩當中 scala 各種應用程式 template

sbt 不只是用來 build, 他還有 sbt-launcher.jar sbt run 會開一個 local server 測試用...